Lunch Menu Options

Monday: Hamburger and Fries or Hot Dog and Fries
Provided by Casa Fiesta

Tuesday: Ground Beef Taco, Rice, and Beans or Cheese Quesadilla
Provided by Casa Fiesta

Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with Fruit or Macaroni and Cheese with Fruit
Provided by  Elegant Tastes

Thursday: Chicken Pad Thai, Chicken Fried Rice, or Chicken Curry
Provided by Thai Smile 

Friday: Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
Provided by Papa John's
Casa Fiesta

Hamburger and Fries or Hot Dog and Fries, Ground Beef Taco, Rice, and Beans or Cheese Quesadilla

Elegant Tastes

Spaghetti and Meatballs with Fruit or Macaroni and Cheese with Fruit

Thai Smile

Chicken Pad Thai, Chicken Fried Rice, or Chicken Curry

Papa John's Pizza

Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza



  • Capital Day School
    120 Deepwood Dr.
     Frankfort, KY 40601

